Tuesday 14 September 2010

How far will you go to protect your child?

Hey Peeps! I watched a TV drama, it got me thinking and I decided to write about it. The story follows a family torn apart by a young daughter who having just begun at university, becomes pregnant, marries the guy and stopped studying. The guy in question  had no known family member - they were not present at the wedding, he was unfriendly to this in laws and snapped at his wife when she asked questions about his parents. Her father  became concerned or should I say could not contain his obsessive love for his daughter and and after some time hired a Private Investigator to dig into his son-in law's past and let's just say, a lot of  dirt was dug up. He also discovered that his son-in law physically and verbally abuses his daughter on a regular basis. This was however well disguised by the daughter's refusal to visit her family and when she finally did, she covered her face in heavy make up and pretended to be in a happy marriage. The story took an unexpected turn when the father again, hired a someone to give his son in law 'a good beating'.

This story got me thinking, "At what point does parental involvement become an unnecessary intrusion?". For any loving parent, I believe the first instinct will be to protect your son or daughter against any harm but then you realise that when children get to a certain age they need to be allowed to make their own mistakes and live their own lives. Personally, I believe hiring someone to beat up your son in law is a step too far in protecting one's daughter but should the father have stayed back and done nothing knowing his pregnant daughter is being abused by her husband? Where does one draw the line?

Saturday 4 September 2010

So, What Do You Do?

My first post... Yay!

People meet for the first time or the first time in a long time at a social gathering and after 4 minutes maximum comes the dreaded question, "So, what do you do"? or the typical "Where do you work now"?

I cannot but wonder why it is so important for someone I do not know or haven't seen in a long time find that piece of information important. Is it about finding out what we have in common, plain curiosity or just being nosy and somewhere in our sub-conscious does that information sometimes determine if we will keep in touch? or is everything now about 'networking' and seeing what we can possibly gain from our association with the other person. What happened to those days when we meet people and just like them, make friends and ask questions later. Oh, how I miss them! It didn't matter what your job title was then. 

Speaking of job titles, I have come across some interesting ones recently, why does the job title have to be so complicated when the job isn't? Please find listed those I find most interesting and see if you can guess the answers....

1. Hygiene Facilitation Operative

2. Strategic Pipeline Analyst

3. Director of First Impressions (My best!)


1. Cleaner

2. Plumber

3. Receptionist

Now to this funny cartoon, I couldn't have put the words better!