Saturday 16 June 2012

My name is ERIC

"Is everything alright there"?

I turned back slowly half - embarrassed trying not to make eye contact with this person.

"Oh, hi! Hmm its just a hmmm..."

By this time, I realised that I was not being coherent, partly because of the piercing beautiful stunning blue eyes that were staring back at me rather quizzically and look at that curly brown hair...oh, what a man! But then I realised, considering the rather compromising position I was found by the object of my affection, I'd better speak up fast before he calls the police.

I stepped out to empty my bin when (awww, those eyes!) I heard the door shut behind me and I realised I didn't take my keys with me.

"Oh, you locked yourself out"


"You must be freezing cold"

"Err....not really" Liar!

Suddenly, I became aware of the cold weather, I was obviously not dressed for this weather in my sleeveless pink chiffon blouse and blue shorts. I looked up to see him looking at me intently with those beautiful eyes I have come to like. His eyes fell on the long metal bar I was holding and his eyebrows arched. I quickly explained that I was trying to open the door through the letter box. In retrospect, I admit it was a silly idea but it made perfect sense at that time.

He looked around as if to check if anyone was coming but there was no one.

"I'll be back shortly"

I watched him walk away and noticed he was wearing flip flops so my guess was that he probably lives nearby.

He returned about two minutes later with a grey cashmere cardigan.

"Here, wear this and keep warm while we find a way to get you back into the house"

I collected it from him and wore it immediately.

Oh, thank you so much! I'm so grateful.

My name is Eric, I live three houses away. I'm not sure I've seen you around here before today.

Oh, I'm Tee and I live here (I flicked my hair and smiled graciously ;))  I've lived here for about a year.

And the conversation progressed nicely. He turned out to be a nice person and I was mesmerized by the sheer force of his.... OK, that's enough!

He stayed with me for about an hour while we waited for the return of my flatmate and within that hour, we sat on the fence and  chatted about different things like movies, music, my faith, politics and it turned out he also likes photography! Aww, bless..

I was blown away by his company and because he took the time to look after a (insert beautiful) damsel in distress in a moment of need ;) It is not very often that people care enough about those around them to do something about it. We are all so busy with our own lives that we are not aware of the need of those around us or we sometimes blatantly ignore them and I am also guilty of this. This experience has, to an extent restored my faith in humanity and I am grateful and I hope to pay more attention to the needs of others and help in any way I can.

Eric and I parted company that evening when my flatmate arrived with the spare key and as much as I enjoyed his company, it was a relief to be back in the warmth of my own home. Phew! I hope to see him again, he is a special person filled with the love and the milk of human kindness.

Hmmm, I'm so tempted to lock myself out of the house 'mistakenly' , maybe Eric will appear? Errrr... That might not be a good idea :)